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Guaranteeheartz! ♡ ,yes that's the name. Female, 15, Single(?) LoyangSecondary, Modern Dancer.
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Credits @Guaranteeheartz!
guaranteeheartz! guaranteeheartz! guaranteeheartz! guaranteeheartz! guaranteeheartz! guaranteeheartz! guaranteeheartz! guaranteeheartz! guaranteeheartz! guaranteeheartz!


January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009

Date: Thursday, August 13, 2009

Apparently I'm not that happy now because Blogger is getting from bad to worse. Can't they just fix it? Omg!
If i can actually find a server much better than this I'll definitely change my url without hesitation, pfft.
But somehow I don't bear to leave my blog, aww.

Okay Today is quite a good day for me. Had English lessons in ITR2 in the morning and it's real stuffy and hot. I don't like the environment but somehow got used to it after an hour. After that we're on our way back to our class to have lessons again as our Fans and lights are finally fixed! Had Chinese lessons first and went through Test paper; 34/50. Lousy, so disappointed, but expected, because i myself know i didn't really put in my best effort for this paper. I'm gonna really try harder for next paper, I'll pray that I'm able to do it next time.

ET I ran for 10 rounds if I'm not wrong? Didn't really slack very much! Recess I just ate a toast and a packet of Milo.

Chemistry lessons teacher went through our files. My content page is updated and teacher asked me write on the board.
Teacher thought that I'm actually aiming for Through Train, but the fact is that I'm not, just trying my best.
Thanks Mdm Sha, for the Care bear and its really encouraging to receive such a big gift from a teacher.

Aiya, i'm lazy to blog already.

Dream big, aim high.

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Date: Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Just got back from the library, I've lent a book named Vampire Kisses.
It seems to be a quite interesting story book to me!

Anyway, thanks all for scolding the spammer but maybe the spammer is right..
I'm never gonna change? But it's okay, cos I know I've been trying to change for the better.

To that spammer: If you have the face to insult me on my blog, please have the face too, to put your name down. I don't mind being insulted as this is the way I can know my imperfections and change for the better. If you're back intending to spam me to insult my friends back or insult me on this latest post, I shall say: Get a life. What's the point spending a few minutes insulting people when you can actually use this time to do a good deed? You don't benefit anything from insulting me on my blog, you don't get anything back in return but more insults from my friends? I don't know whats currently in your mind but I've got something to say: Don't take things for granted even how much you dislike something or someone because of their imperfections, because of a minor mistake they made, we all have to learn to forgive and forget, because you won't know when you would be losing it, and you would never know if it will return again.

Lessons today are held at AVA2 as our class had a short circuit! We had lessons in the air conditioned room for the whole day, but it's quite noisy as well cos everyone is murmuring and the room have echos, so it's quite noisy! It's also not that easy to listen to teachers as our noise can cover over easily. However, i enjoyed studying in that room for the whole day.

After school, Theo, Eugene and I went to have lunch at Macdonalds, then we're on our way to the library.
Nothing much happened today, so I shall stop posting.

I'm always like this; I would never know my mistakes, till someone tells me.

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Date: Tuesday, August 11, 2009

(fyi this is not an emo post, just something I wish to blog about)

I felt like blogging, so that's why I'm here. Blogger is currently giving me problems again, everything is against me recently, what's happening. Somehow I feel that it's already different, in something which i don't wanna say. I use to go there in a happy face and had loads of laughter when I'm there, but somehow it changed into a way when I reached there, it's becoming me being very bossy and being gossiped about, that bothers me really a lot, therefore i didn't really enjoy myself that much. Every second I'm thinking how do I improve it, how can I make it change, how can I lead better, HOW?

Some happy things. Today I'm being praised by Mr Teng and Mdm Shahada, today's my day! Mdm Shahada said I'm very on task this semester cos I hand in my homework all on time! Yay. Took back Mathematics test paper during maths lesson and I'm one of the top scorer :) Mr Teng said that I've been very hardworking and finally I've gained back my confidence, but all really thanks to Mr Teng for his guidance and consistent concern about my Mathematics. PE lessons, Aces day dance, everything seemed to screw up when both Theo and I forgotten our steps. But I heard that we're supposed to do the full song, so I bet there would be a retest for our class cos most of us did not even half the song, Lmao.

Son Of *****: *****+Flirt+****er=BFF
To whoever Nameless you are;
Come on, are you trying to show that you only learnt vulgarities in school? Go take up Tuitions, study and improve on your English. I know my English isn't that good that I can show off but i'm proud, cos at least i'm better than you.

Nothing much, another wordy post with no pictures.

I know it's never easy to be perfect, but I'm tryin' to be.

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Date: Monday, August 10, 2009


I wanted to post pictures, but now I can't due to damn Blogger problem again.

Someday i'll find some new blog websites and change my blog, stupid blogger.


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